
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

OK Strider I am updating my blog at an astounding 28.8kbps !!!!!

Anyway tonight was the medical explorers
meeting where we sign up for rotations. This time i was able to sign up
for Cardiovascular Services! other than that is was kinda a boring meeting.
However January will make up for that when the Physical Therapy guys

Yes, Strider, I know that I was in the wrong group. But I strongly dislike
groups to start with let alone being put in one. plus group 1 is right
by where I sit lol!

kk more later

1 comment:

Strider said...

yeah...I didn't know you were in the wrong group. I had a group of my I wasn't watching where you went. Plus I was trying to coordinate my schedule with Michelle, so she could sign us both up for the same day. I got 2 surgeries, though...:)