
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

OK Strider I am updating my blog at an astounding 28.8kbps !!!!!

Anyway tonight was the medical explorers
meeting where we sign up for rotations. This time i was able to sign up
for Cardiovascular Services! other than that is was kinda a boring meeting.
However January will make up for that when the Physical Therapy guys

Yes, Strider, I know that I was in the wrong group. But I strongly dislike
groups to start with let alone being put in one. plus group 1 is right
by where I sit lol!

kk more later

Thursday, December 6, 2007

med explorers

I had Orthopedics last night and that was pretty interesting. I think that I like the Physical therapy end of it better though.

I noticed something last night. I have been doing medical expolers for over a year now and have never once done a rotation with a nother explorer1 I guess when people see my name on the list they say "oh no1 not that strange kid" adn dont sign up lol. Oh well I never did like working with people any way.

Think I might post my list of the 10 things that annoy me the most later

med explorers